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Kebun Binatang Ragunan Zoo Pasar Minggu - Tempat Asik Piknik Bareng Keluarga

Kebun Binatang Ragunan
Kebun Binatang Ragunan sangat mudah dijangkau oleh kendaraan umum, bahkan kita bisa mencapainya dengan Busway TransJakarta. Kesan pertama saat saya dan keluarga berada di tempat ini, tempat ini memiliki koleksi tumbuhan yang sangat banyak, dan suasananya pun sangat rimbun karena banyak pohon-pohon besar didalamnya, sangat cocok untuk yang ingin mencari udara segar ditengah kota Jakarta. Untuk fasilitas didalamnya saya rasa banyak yang perlu diperbaiki, seperti tangga-tangga yang bentuknya bebatuan banyak yang sudah rusak, sehingga menyulitkan untuk menitinya, perlu sangat hati-hati apalagi disaat hujan jalanannya pun menjadi sangat licin.

Hewan-hewan di kebun binatang Ragunan ini banyak sekali macamnya, sangat menarik untuk menelusurinya satu persatu, tetapi amat disayangkan karena kebersihan kandang, dan juga kondisi kandang dari hewan-hewan tersebut sepertinya butuh banyak diperbaiki. Tentunya Kebun Binatang Ragunan bisa menjadi icon objek wisata yang menarik banyak wisatawan baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri, asalkan fasilitas-fasilitas dan kebersihannya bisa kita jaga dengan baik juga.

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Harimau Ragunan
Harimau Ragunan
Rusa Ragunan
Rusa Ragunan
Hewan Kebun Binatang Ragunan

Fasilitas Ragunan Zoo
• Harga Masuk Murah 1 Motor (2 Dewasa) Rp 10.000
• Pakai Kartu Jackard
• Fasilitas Bagus
• Satwa Baik
• Jajanan Murah
• Cuman Siap² Pegel Karena Harus Jalan Kaki Menelusuri Tiap² Kandang Hewan

Alamat Ragunan Zoo : Jl. Harsono No.1, Ragunan, Ps. Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia (lihat di GMAPS)

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Tempat Wisata murah meriah di Jakarta, sepertinya semakin baik pengelolaanya.
Harus bawa bekal minimal minuman air mineral, karena temlatnya luas sekali, bisa capek kalo jalan kaki muterin kebun binatang. Binatangnya banyak yg kurus, agak kasian liatnya, bisa masuk ke ousat primata, bayar lagi tapi worth it.

Tempat yang nyaman untuk tujuan wisata baik dari jakarta atau luar jakarta.biasanya pengunjung ramai diakhir pekan.tersedia souvenir di sekitar ataupun di dalam areal KBR.
Taman Margasatwa Ragunan
Perpustakaan Ragunan
website : http://ragunanzoo.jakarta.go.id/

Always love our very own Ragunan zoo.  It is cheap and it offers a lot of things. You can learn facts about animals and see them for yourself. The food sold at the area is more expensive than the outside shops but it is not a surprising fact, is it?  You can always prepare your own food and drinks and have a picnic under any big trees or spots that pick your interest. One thing that I think should be put into consideration is to visit the zoo in the morning. The last time we were there,  we arrived at about 2pm and some animals were already put into the cages and we're not able to be seen. Oh, please also pick a day that is sunny and clear. The principle reason is that you won't feel convenient having to stay in the bird cages area for quite a long time before the rain stops.

Entrance fee was only 4k/person. Incredibly cheap. However if you don't plan to work out (walking, running, cycling) or at least using comfortable shoes and hoping to see all the animals inside, then better pick another zoo to visit. They do offer bus that goes around, but it only covers 1/4 zoo area. A lot of improvement is needed to provide a more customer friendly zoo.

We don't really have any other zoo around here, but this one sure pretty big place and has plenty kind of animal species...
Yes, it huge, so you need more time and effort to explore this place... But no worries, this zoo offers you this kind of vehicle to take around or you just can rent a bicycle... Well, the bicycles are not in really good condition but still work and helpful to go around, I mean, don't compare it to the one you own at home... :doh:
To reach this place is quite easy, especially if you go by public transportation called Bus Trans Jakarta, because there is a Trans Jakarta bus shelter here

Easy access from the city. A big area with a variety of animals. For sure a good and very cheap possibility for visitors to spend a day with the family here while having seen exotic animals. You can have picnic on one of the several green fields. The general maintenance could be better. Even on weekends a lot of space and not too dense due to the huge size of the zoo.
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